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Robredo sisters call out netizens for inappropriate comments on NYU graduation live stream

Published May 19, 2022 5:02 pm

Vice President Leni Robredo's daughters Tricia and Aika slammed netizens who pretended as them and posted comments on the live stream of New York University's commencement exercises on May 18.

The Robredos attended the event where Jillian, the youngest of the three siblings, took part in. In the comments section of the livestream, users that appear to impersonate Tricia and Aika posted statements that, according to  the sisters, are far from their personalities.

Supporters of Leni Robredo brought the situation to Twitter by posting a screenshot of one of the comments using the account @TropaNiAika. The photo shows an account, which was falsely named "Aika Robredo," sending out a comment that says, "merlot shot puno."

"Shot puno" is a slang term used mostly by Filipino Gen Zers in replacement of "tagay" or "cheers" during a drinking session. It went viral when Leni said it during her Facebook live to thank her supporters who gave her a larger-than-usual coffee mug during her campaign.

Soon afterward, Aika reposted the screenshot on her own Twitter account with the caption, "I do not talk like this. Nor do I post messages like this on public livestreams. Please stop."

Meanwhile, Tricia Robredo had the same sentiment as her sister: "I’m not sure what bothers me more: being impersonated on the comments section of the livestream of my sister’s graduation or people thinking that this is something to joke about." 

Moreover, she called out those netizens who joke about the ‘nutribun issue’ and red tagging. 

"You’re concerned about historical revisionism but you joke about nutribun and red-tagging, as if these are things to be taken lightly. I will never reduce the atrocities of Martial Law for clout and entertainment. Neither should you," Tricia wrote in her tweet.

Kakampinks echoed the call of the Robredo Sisters, sharing their take on fellow Kakampinks' disrespectful move. 

“I know some of you will say na it's your way to cope but this has gotten way too out of line,” a netizen tweeted.

Scarier is the possibility that impersonators are not necessarily supporters,” a Twitter user added. 

“Avoid stepping out of the line, Kakampinks,” another one said. 

The impersonator’s comments in the live stream are now deleted. 

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