They're here, they're queer, and they're saving the world: 5 comics superheroes who came out as LGBTQ+
Queer superheroes are becoming more visible in the world of comics as we're seeing more characters unapologetically come out as members of the LGBTQ+ community.
The latest of these is Superman, a.k.a. Jon Kent, who has been revealed as bisexual in Son of Kal-El #5. The new issue follows the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane as he develops a romantic relationship with journalist Jay Nakamura.

While he's the first Superman to be queer, this isn't the first time a big-named superhero came out of the closet in the pages of the comics.
Here are some heroes from DC and Marvel who had their big coming out moment in print.
Batman fans have seen Robin a.k.a. Tim Drake date women in the comics before but in the August 2021 issue of Batman: Urban Legends, the Boy Wonder was revealed to be queer.
While fighting alongside his old friend Bernard Down, Tim had a "lightbulb moment," realizing his feelings for his friend. The Caped Crusader's sidekick agreed to go on a date with Bernard, confirming he's a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

Kitty Pryde
First introduced in 1980, Kitty Pryde's (now known as Kate) sexuality has long been speculated by fans. Her relationships with Illyana Rasputin and Rachel Summer have been hinted to be more than friendly, but it wasn't until 2020 when the X-Men member came out.
In last year's Marauders #12, Kitty shared a kiss with a female tattoo artist, confirming she's bisexual after decades of hints.

Alpha Flight's Northstar is the first major gay character created by Marvel. Known for his ability to project photonic energy blasts, this mutant debuted in 1979 and came out as gay in 1992 in Alpha Flight #106.
His marriage to Kyle Jinadu in Astonishing X-Men #51, released in 2021, was the first depiction of a same-sex wedding in mainstream comics.

Jackson Hyde, the new Aqualad from the DC Universe: Rebirth era, was depicted as a closeted, gay young man living with his protective mom. He came out in Teen Titans #10 after discovering that his father was supervillain Black Manta.
The two go on a journey to find the ocean's greatest treasure when Aqualad told his father he's gay.

In Disney+'s Loki TV series, the mischievous anti-hero has been confirmed as bisexual and gender-fluid. Fans of the comics, however, have known about Loki's queerness for a long time.
Loki's gender fluidity has been portrayed many times in the comics—his shapeshifting abilities allow him to take on masculine and feminine appearances. In Young Avengers #15, the Norse God of Mischief said, "My culture doesn't share your concept of sexual identity."

There are many other characters who came out in the pages of their comics like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, Star-Lord, Green Lantern, and more. We're also hoping we get to see more queer representation in their TV series and movie counterparts.