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Japanese tavern ends its 'slap service' for drunk customers after injury complaint

Published Dec 17, 2024 5:54 pm

A tavern chain in Japan has stopped offering its popular “slap service” for drunk customers after an injury complaint from one of its customers. 

Yotteba, known for its chicken wings and cheap beer, previously offered a slap service they launched two years ago. In the service, locally known as “binta,” a waitress will give a sharp blow to customers’ faces before they head home to help them sober up, per the South China Morning Post's (SCMP) report

It costs 500 yen (P191), and customers may also add an extra 100 yen (P38) if they want to choose a specific staff member who will give the slap. 

@salty_gourmets ビンタでメガハイボールが安く飲める!? #山賊海賊 #上野グルメ With a slap on the wrist 600 yen for whisky soda Large #ueno ♬ Tempo classic used in athletic meet - Kohrogi

However, the restaurant has decided to pull the plug on its gimmick after receiving a complaint from a customer who claimed to have sustained an injury from a slap he got from the restaurant two months ago.

“We have been doing it at our restaurants for more than two years now, but we did not think it was very popular,” said a marketing official for the company per the SCMP report. “It was more of a joke and we thought that customers did not like it anymore.” 

The company also cited concerns about the brand’s reputation for ending the said service. 

“Also, our chain is getting bigger and we wanted to change our image,” the official added. 

Other than Yotteba, another tavern Shachihoko-ya also offered the service in 2012 but has since decided to discontinue the service during the COVID-19 pandemic and has not re-offered since then.