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Carla Abellana raises awareness of scoliosis

By NICK GARCIA Published Jun 27, 2024 4:05 pm

Carla Abellana raised awareness about scoliosis, two years after opening up about her condition.

In an Instagram post, the local star shared a carousel of her wearing a black shirt with a text defining scoliosis as well as a striped shirt that's used to check for symptoms while empowering those who have it.

"It was only a few years ago when i found out from my chiropractor that i’ve actually had a 35-degree angled scoliosis since high school," Abellana said. "I was surprised!"

Though it "never really bothered" her, the 35-year-old said she always wondered why her waist isn't proportioned and why she'd often have backaches.

Abellana then noted that June is Scoliosis Awareness Month.

"Now is the best time to spot scoliosis while it’s early," she said, as she listed down steps to check for symptoms. These include wearing striped shirts, especially fitted ones, and standing against a plain wall to check if one's shoulders, hips, or ribs are leveled.

According to WebMD, scoliosis is a sideways curve in the backbone, which can be shaped like a "C" or an "S." Its causes include having one leg that's longer than the other, muscle spasms, and inflammations like appendicitis (nonstructural); and conditions like cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, birth defects, infections, tumors, and genetic conditions (structural).

In November 2022, Abellana opened up about the condition and how she learned about it late in life. "I've had scoliosis since high school and I didn’t even know until a few years ago when I visited a specialist for my back and knees," she wrote in an Instagram post. “I know, I know. Sounds like ageing problems. But no biggie. I can actually fight back the pain that I get every now and then."

She said she manages it by training her waist and working on her posture.