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Joyce Pring admits she's been a 'bad person,' but highlights importance of faith amid criticism on her non-believer remarks

Published Oct 14, 2022 2:00 pm

Joyce Pring acknowledged the public backlash against her for saying that nonbelievers will "go to hell" and "suffer in eternity forever."

"I’ve seen many things said about me in the past 2 days — mean things, horrible names, false stories," the content creator said in a Facebook post on Thursday, Oct. 13.

Pring, a publicly known devout Christian who also teaches at the Christ's Commission Fellowship, also admitted to being a "bad person." She said she has the "messiest history," made "bad decisions," "hurt people," and "still makes pretty awful mistakes to this day."

But being a sinner, the 29-year-old noted, is what made her believe in the gospel of Jesus. She said salvation comes only through Jesus and "not through our works, or by our own merit."

"Jesus died on the Cross precisely for hopeless, depressed, sinful people like me," she said, "because I’d have no chance at Heaven if it were just up to me."

"This is the greatest gift I have ever received," Pring said of her faith.

She also sent her love to everybody, including those who criticized her.

During her Adulting with Joyce Pring podcast's "Unpacking Christianity" episode, which featured fellow content creator Wil Dasovich, Pring said those who don't believe in Jesus will "go to hell" and "suffer in eternity forever."

A murderer may go to heaven, she noted, as long as he "honestly repents for his sins." A "saint" who didn't do anything wrong in life but doesn't believe in Jesus, however, still won't.

The episode aired Oct. 5, but got more attention in social media after it was posted on Reddit on Oct. 12. Pring clarified to listeners that what she said about non-believers is just her "personal belief."