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TRANSCRIPT: Binibining Pilipinas 2021 Top 13 finalists' Q&A

Published Jul 12, 2021 12:50 am Updated Jul 12, 2021 2:56 pm

The question and answer portion of a beauty pageant is always a make or break moment for its candidates. And this is true for the Top 13 candidates of the Binibining Pilipinas 2021 pageant, held at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City on Sunday, July 11. 

Here are the answers of the Binibining Pilipinas 2021 semi-finalists to the questions during the pageant's Q&A portion: 

Patrizia Mariah Garcia

Question: If you can speak to all Filipinos abroad, what are you most proud of as a Pinay despite the grueling difficult pandemic situation in the Philippines?

Answer: Filipinos are known to be resilient people and we have proved this because we have overcome the pandemic. Although the pandemic may not end, but we see that Filipinos are fighting strong even if they are undergoing problems or they lost their livelihoods, they are fighting for their family. And my purpose here as a Binibini is to be help all Filipinos become stronger and inspire them as well.

Karren Laurie Mendoza

Question: When is it okay not to be okay? And when is it not okay to be not okay?

Answer: You know sometimes it’s hard to move on, especially that when we lost our loved ones, when we’re depressed, when we have anxiety, but most all when we want to move forward in life. You know, my favorite saying in the movie Disney Inside Out is embrace your sadness. Because when you embrace your sadness, you will feel happiness afterwards.

Gabrielle Camille Basiano

Question: In what ways can a female public servant be more effective than a male politician?

Answer: I can say that men servants are very strong when it comes to making decisions. With women, they ar every passionate when it comes to the things that they are doing and they are very sensitive with the feelings of other people. And that’s what makes women public servants different from men.

Maria Francesca Taruc

Question: Given the pandemic situation in the Philippines, should vaccination be a choice or a mandate?

Answer: Vaccinations should be a choice. I still remember the days when we were all longing the days for vaccines to be created. And now that vaccines are available, we tend to be hesitated because we fear of the side effects. But I encourage everyone to choose to get vaccinated because this is the best step for us to move forward to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Graciella Lehmann

Question: What are your thoughts about romantic relationships that began and developed on social media during the pandemic lockdown?

Answer: There is nothing wrong with loving relationships that comes from social media. As we all know, we have harnessed the power of social media. This is something we should celebrate because love knows no time, love knows no place. Even in social media, we can meet someone and be in love.

Meiji Cruz

Question: What is your message of inspiration to all Filipino athletes who are competing in the Olympics in Japan given the pandemic?

Answer: As a candida myself, I understand and I complete agree that we are like athletes because we are required to be disciplined. We are required to give our 100 percent passion and focus on whatever we will do. And to our athletes, I know that you are also waiting for this to happen again. And this will happen again in Japan and it’s a good sign and it means that there is hope and we will go back to normal.

Jashmin Lyn Dimaculangan

Question: So much has happened to us in the course of the year when we emerge from this crisis. What positive change do you foresee happening to humanity in general?

Answer: Something positive that I have witnessed during the pandemic is how resilient and adaptable people are. We have been put through a lot the past year but still we find ways to help one another, and find ways to help. And at the end of the day, as long as we put our generosity and charity first, we will heal and we will get through this crisis.

Samantha Alexandra Panlilio

Question: Name something you learned and did for the first time during the pandemic which you consider as the most life-changing of all.

Answer: One thing I did during the pandemic is actually cook food for front liners because I love to cook. And I have a food vlog which I do at my spare time. And it was such a fulfilling and humbling experience, helping these people and helping contribute to the people who are in front lines helping us. I hope what I did inspired other women too to help out one another.

Patricia Denise Babista

Question: Fake news, bashing, rants, and the like are abound on social media. Why do you think should not be part of the new beautiful, even if they encourage social interaction?

Answer: Social media is such a beauty technology that has given us, but there is always limitations. So I hope that in social media, we will create a space where there is no hate.

Honey Grace Cartasano

Question: if you’re given a chance to face God and ask Him a question, what would that be and why?

Answer: If I will be having a chance to ask God, it is why. But I know that everything happens for a reason. We may be facing pandemic right now but there is so much uncertainty, but this revealed the every Filipino has a heart of hero. Thank God for everything even though we are facing this pandemic. Thank to you all Filipino heroes.

Hannah Arnold

Question: Do you believe genuine freedom of speech exists in the Philippines nowadays?

Answer: Free of speech is a basic human right that we all must remember. And it is important for a democracy. And for our upcoming elections, we definitely need free speech. For example, on Twitter. We are limited to a few characters, and what I have seen from these tweets has been powerful and it has helped me think about who I will vote for in this elections.

Maureen Montagne

Question: Now that compassion is need more than ever, what is your most recent act of kindness and how did this affect others?

Answer: During the pandemic, I was in Siargao. And together, friends and I banded together and we created the Siargao community kitchen. It was a trying time and everyone felt how hard it was, our hearts were heavy. But together, we rose. But together, we supported our communities… For me, it proved that community conquers all.

Cinderalla Obenita

Question: How important are luxury items for a woman when the national economy is down and struggling?

Answer: In life, we always find ourselves in a crossroad of choices. Women always have whether to prioritize luxury items while facing a pandemic, and we also have the choice to embrace the concept of the new beautiful, which is responsive to the needs of the time, adaptive to the change of the times. AndI think I would choose to be that woman who would understand the problems of the Philippines, the problems of my community so we may be able to uplift each other.