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Migz Zubiri steps down; Chiz Escudero is new Senate president

By Melanie Uson Published May 20, 2024 6:15 pm Updated May 20, 2024 7:26 pm

Chiz Escudero has taken over the Senate president seat after Migz Zubiri stepped down from the post. 

Escudero took his oath before Sen. Mark Villar during the plenary session on Monday, May 20. With him was his wife, actress-socialite Heart Evangelista.

Prior to this, Zubiri announced his resignation, saying he “failed to follow instructions from the powers that be, simple as that.” 

“Today, I offer my resignation as Senate president, and upon stepping down, I vow to serve as an independent member of the Senate—my allegiance, as ever, belonging only to the Filipino people,” Zubiri said, who turned emotional during his speech. 

“I leave with my head held high, knowing I did what is right for the Senate and for the nation. I wish our new leadership the very best, and I pray that they will be steadfast in upholding the independence of this beloved institution,” he continued.  

“I fought the good fight. If I have ruffled some feathers in doing so, if I have upset the powers that be, then so be it,” Zubiri added. 

During his press conference after the session, the outgoing Senate president expressed that he was “heartbroken” with his decision to quit. He did not specifically disclose the reason, but he stressed that he aimed to maintain the independence of the Senate. 

“I’m heartbroken not because of the position, I’m heartbroken because of those who committed to be steadfast with us, who had the same ideals, and all of the sudden, biglang nawala. Ganiyan talaga ang buhay,” he said, sharing that he had conflicts with regard to his stand on People’s Initiative and Charter Change. 

“So I hope, the new leadership will not succumb to pressure, only time will tell,” he said. 

Zubiri was elected as the Senate president in July 2022. Rumors of an ouster plot against the former Senate president have been around since last year, with senators like Jinggoy Estrada, JV Ejercito, Nancy Binay, and Robin Padilla denying the coup in June 2023.