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Tech CEO's assistant steals P23.5 million from him, then kills and dismembers him

By NICK GARCIA Published Jun 27, 2024 2:20 pm

A tech entrepreneur's assistant was found guilty of stealing about $400,000 (P23.5 million) from him and then killing and cutting his body up in a bid to conceal the crime.

The New York Times reported that Tyrese Haspil, 25, was convicted of murdering Fahim Saleh, 33, in his luxury condominium in Manhattan, New York in July 2020. He was tried at the Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday, June 24, and is expected to be sentenced on Sept. 10.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said Saleh was a "man who came from a close-knit immigrant family and followed his passions to become a successful entrepreneur," and Haspil "tragically cut" his life short.

“I hope the accountability delivered by today’s verdict can provide a measure of comfort to Mr. Saleh’s loved ones as they continue to mourn his loss," Bragg said.

Saleh was born in Saudi Arabia to Bangladeshi parents and grew up in the town of Poughkeepsie. He founded two motorcycle ride-sharing companies in Bangladesh and Nigeria.

Haspil began stealing from Saleh's companies in the fall (September) of 2018 to purchase lavish gifts for his girlfriend. By December, he created a bogus corporate entity and bank account to funnel more money, according to the Times.

Haspil resigned in May 2019 for fear of getting caught, but he continued to steal money from Saleh even after his departure.

Saleh found out about Haspil's scheme in January 2020 and confronted him over a $35,000 (P2 million) debt. But instead of filing criminal cases against Haspil, Saleh offered him a two-year repayment plan. While Haspil agreed, Saleh didn't know that his former assistant had stolen a lot more via a fraudulent PayPal account. Haspil paid Saleh using stolen funds but continued his scheme, eventually amassing about $400,000.

Fearing that he'd get caught again, Haspil plotted to kill Saleh.

Prosecutors said he did a meticulously researched and executed killing, believing Haspil wanted it to look like a professional assassination. For weeks, he researched the technology, weapons, and cleaning supplies needed to carry out and cover up a homicide. He also purchased clothing as disguise and tracked Saleh’s location through social media.

In May 2020, or two months before the murder, Haspil searched the web for the anatomy of the human neck and for Saleh’s building plans. In June of that year, he bought contractor-grade trash bags, a floor cleaning tool, and a saw.

On the morning of July 13, Haspil went to Saleh's apartment wearing a black suit and an opaque mask. He followed his boss into the elevator, tasered him, and stabbed him to death.

The following day, he went back to chop up Saleh's body with an electric saw. Haspil left again to purchase a battery charger and while he was out, Saleh's cousin discovered the scene.

Haspil was arrested four days later at an Airbnb he had booked for his girlfriend's birthday celebration.

Haspil's lawyer Sam Roberts said he was disappointed by the verdict.

“We fully believe that Tyrese Haspil is not solely and only the worst thing that he’s done in his life,” Roberts said, though noted that Haspil had committed the crime and felt remorse.