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She Slays: Danika Nemis on empowering women to love themselves

Published Mar 18, 2021 11:44 am

Living closer to nature really changes how you live your life. It’s not really just about being interested in sustainability as a lifestyle. Sustainability is about a genuine effort to change your life. 

I’ve been living here in San Juan, La Union for five years now. I started a family with the love of my life Luke Landrigan, who is from here and owns a surf resort here. Needless to say, I quit the city life to live a simpler life.

Moving next to the ocean here in La Union taught me so many things and sustainability is just one of them. I learned that I didn’t really need a lot of things, that you can find so much joy and entertainment in the ocean.

Living a simpler life

Personally, sustainable lifestyle is about understanding the role your choices have on other things. What you do now will have an effect on something else next—tat’s why I support local brands and local farms to make use of resources that are readily available. And being a mother, sustainability becomes your reality. Every choice I make, whether it’s what to eat or what to buy, I think of my daughter Luna and whether or not this choice will help build a good world for her.

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It matters a lot to me that Luna grows up in a clean and safe environment. So I support practices that help to minimize the amount of waste being put out in the world. As a first-time mom, I didn’t splurge and buy new things. I appreciated the hand-me-downs from relatives and friends. When I do buy something for Luna, I check if something is made from recycled materials. I also prefer buying Luna wooden toys over plastic ones.

One of the most important experiences I have with Luna is that I potty-trained her really early. When she was one, she was diaper-free. I am proud of this because it led to big savings because diapers are expensive, not to mention harmful to the environment.

I wish to make an impact in women’s lives. I want to inspire them, not so they would like me, but so they would like themselves.

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Empowering women and mothers

Right now, I’m really passionate about empowering mothers to rediscover themselves. I feel that mothers shouldn’t stop feeling strong and beautiful and sexy just because they’re mothers. Mothers shouldn’t let go of who they are before becoming a mother.

For any woman, the biggest barrier can be one’s own self. Of course, there are moments when we doubt ourselves. We don’t feel strong. I think this is the first step that all women have to take together. We have to teach ourselves to let go of self-doubt and actively pursue what we want to do and how we want to make a difference.

So that is why I use my platform to empower other mothers and women and tell my audience to be confident just as they are. You can achieve so many things if you believe in yourself first. Plus, becoming a mom does not limit your awesomeness!

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We can do it!

All women need to have an inner voice saying, “Yes, you can do it!” This is the primary reason why I use my platform to post about my beliefs with hopes that I can empower others. I wish to make an impact in women’s lives. I want to inspire them, not so they would like me, but so they would like themselves.

A modern woman can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and nobody can stop her. She is determined to rise. Right now, I believe we are doing a good job and we shouldn’t stop supporting one another. “Empowered women empower women.” I like the power of that statement.

So to all women: Be your own queen. Be unapologetically you!

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