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Places in your house you didn’t know bugs could hide

By AYIE LICSI Published Jun 14, 2024 1:53 pm

Pests like insects and cockroaches could be living in places in your home that you least expect.

While you can do your best to keep your home tidy, some bugs have hiding spots where they settle in and thrive so it’s best to do routine sprays to make sure that those little critters—even ones that you can’t see—are eliminated.

Being pests, roaches and insects carry bacteria that can get you sick so it is essential to get rid of them. However, sometimes it isn’t as easy to eliminate these insects as they move fast and multiply quickly, too.

One course of action to take to keep your home free from bugs is to get to the source or wherever they’re hiding out in your home. To help you with your pest-busting, PhilSTAR L!fe has listed some spots in your home where insects could be hiding out without your knowledge.

Your storage and garage

Your attic and storage room, closet, or garage are usually some of the most undisturbed places in your home as it’s just where you keep stuff around the house that’s just lying around. Be honest, how often do you clean these areas? Spots like these as cockroaches thrive in dark and damp areas especially cupboards under the sink. 

Cracks and crevices

If you’ve got cracks and crevices in your home, odds are, insects can crawl through them from outside or from other parts of the house—even if the fissures are small. And because these are tiny and sometimes hard to reach, it’s not a part of your abode that’s often cleaned unless you do deep cleaning. 

The bathroom

Drains can be a source of creepy crawlies but that’s not the only place where pests hide in your bathroom. Bugs also hide under your sink and toilet, cabinets, mirrors, pails of water, and vents as they lurk around stagnant water. 

Laundry room

Speaking of damp places, roaches may also hide behind fixtures and appliances that you often use like your washing machine and dryer. If your laundry room also has buckets of water left open, this could be a haven for mosquitoes to flock to.

Behind your appliances and furniture

These hard-to-reach places—like the back of a cabinet and refrigerator, behind the TV, and between kitchen cupboards—could be harboring cracks where insects could also crawl through.  

In addition to always cleaning these areas in your home, another way to make sure no bugs are hiding in your house is by using aerosol sprays like the new and refreshed Baygon Shield Defense Multi-Insect Killer, which was formerly known as Baygon Odorless Multi-Insect Killer. This bug spray can help you keep your space free from pesky insects, whether they’re crawling or flying.

We tested out the Baygon Shield Defense Multi-Insect Killer and found that this bug spray can kill cockroaches, mosquitoes, and houseflies in seconds. 

This is thanks to the Baygon Shield Defense Multi-Insect Killer's a stronger formula for 100% knockdown against mosquitoes, houseflies, and cockroaches so you won’t have to double tap (a la Zombieland) to make sure those pests won’t come back.

And because it can also kill dengue mosquitoes in seconds, we got some peace of mind and don't have to worry as much about loved ones getting sick from those kinds of bug bites.

Even though it effectively killed insects, the Baygon Shield Defense Multi-Insect Killer didn't leave harsh smells, so we didn't have to deal with strong odors lingering in the kitchen or the living room.

To shop for the new Baygon Shield Defense Multi-Insect Killer, visit or Lazada. To learn more, follow Baygon Philippines on Facebook


Editor’s Note: BrandedUp is designed to provide you with insightful, inspiring and educational content created by PhilSTAR L!fe in collaboration with brands like Baygon Philippines.