Who are the dragons and their dragonriders in 'House of the Dragon' season 2?
House of the Dragon is living up to its name as more ferocious dragons were introduced in season 2 episode 7.
In the previous two episodes, Queen Rhaenyra (Emma D'arcy) and her son Jacaerys (Harry Collett) hatched a plan where they'll find people from other houses with Targaryen blood to mount the riderless dragons on their island. This is so they'll get a leg up against the Greens and stand a chance when they go face-to-face with the monstrous dragon Vhagar.
Game of Thrones featured only three dragons: Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion, and they're all owned by Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke). But this prequel series features more beasts than ever as the Dance of the Dragons—the civil war between Rhaenyra and Aegon II—continues to be waged.
Spoiler warning for House of the Dragon season 2 episode 7 (The Red Sowing). Let's get to know who the dragons are, who their riders are, and their storied histories.

Syrax, introduced in the first episode of HOTD season 1, is the personal mount of Queen Rhaenyra. She has yellow scales and had no previous rider.
At nine years old, Rhaenyra claimed Syrax, who was a young dragon at the time, thus she has not seen battle yet.

Caraxes, a.k.a. the Blood Wyrm, is a huge, red dragon with a long neck ridden by King consort Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith). He's about half the size of the biggest dragon at the time, Vhagar, and is battle-tested as he fought in the Stepstones in season 1.
In season 2, Caraxes is in Harrenhall with Daemon.
Before Daemon, he was ridden by Aemon Targaryen, the father of the princess Rhaenys (Eve Best).
Known as the Red Queen, Meleys was ridden by princess Rhaenys and was one of the larger dragons on the Blacks' side. She was said to be faster than both Caraxes and Vhagar in her youth.
In the first season, Meleys broke through the Dragonpit as Aegon II was crowned.
She and Rhaenys met their death at the Battle of Rook's Rest after she took on Vhagar and Sunfyre.
Vermax, Arrax, Tyraxes, and Stormcloud
These four dragons belong to Rhaenyra's sons Jacaerys, Lucerys, Joffrey, and Aegon. They're young, small dragons who hatched from the egg given to the young princes.
Lucerys and Arrax where killed by Vhagar as they went to Storm's End. Vermax and Jacaerys remain at Dragonstone, while Tyraxes and Joffrey, and Stormcloud and Aegon were in the Vale of Arryn and are now off to Pentos.
Ridden by Baela Targaryen (Bethany Antonia), Moondancer is seen in season 2 episode 3 as the two went scouting and saw Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel) and Gwayne Hightower (Freddie Fox).

Ridden by Aemond Targaryen (Ewan Mitchell), Vhagar is the biggest and oldest dragon by the events in HOTD. She's about 180 years old and has jade-green scales, yellow eyes, and torn wings from wars she has fought.
The she-dragons dwarves others as seen in previous episodes as she fought took down Arrax and Meleys.
This old dragon was first ridden by Visenya Targaryen, one of the sister-wives of Aegon the Conqueror, Baelon the Brave (father of Viserys and Daemon), Laena, and Aemond.
A pale-blue dragon, Dreamfyre is bonded to Helaena (Phia Saban), sister-wife of Aegon II, but she rarely rides her. She's one of the bigger dragons in Westeros as she's larger than Caraxes and Meleys.

Sunfyre the Golden is bonded to King Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney) and is considered one of the most beautiful dragons in Westeros with his golden scales, pink wings, and amber-colored eyes.
This dragon was injured during the Battle of Rook's Rest when it was overpowered by Meleys and later scorched by Vhagar. Much like his rider, he received severe injuries and was left behind on the battlefield to recover.

Former mount of Laenor Velaryon, the late husband of Rhaenyra, Seasmoke claimed a rider in season 2 episode 6. This pale-silver dragon with light green eyes fought in the war for the Stepsones alongside Caraxes.
Seasmoke is now ridden by Addam of Hull (Clinton Liberty), the bastard son of Corlys Velaryon.

One of the oldest dragons in Westeros, Vermithor is also known as the Bronze Fury. He was ridden by the old King Jaeharys, the ruler before Rhaenyra's father Viserys. The only dragons bigger than him are Vhagar and Balerion the Black Dread.
In the Red Sowing, the Bronze Fury was one of the dragons up for grabs for the dragonseeds to claim. He went on a fury rampage, burning and devouring the bastards until he accepted blacksmith Hugh (Kieran Bew).

Another beast that lurked Dragonstone was Silverwing, the mate of Vermithor, who was ridden by the late queen Alyssane. She has silver scales and orange eyes.
Ulf the White (Tom Bennett), a man claiming to be the bastard half-brother of Viserys (Paddy Considine) and Daemon, stumbled upon Silverwing in her cave. She accepts him as her rider and they fly over King's Landing.
Unclaimed dragons
There are a few other wild dragons in Westeros. In episode 6 and 7, Rhaena (Phoebe Campbell) comes across remains and burn marks, surmising that there appears to be a large, wild dragon in the Vale.
Where do Daenerys' dragons come from?
There's an easter egg in the third episode of HOTD season 2 as Rhaenyra sends Rhaena and her sons to the Vale. Along with her sons' young dragons, she gives four dragon eggs for the princess to care for.
The episode's director Geeta Vasant Patel told Mashable that three of those eggs are Daenerys' dragons.