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BINI Aiah says she's happy to take pictures and meet fans, but emphasizes need for personal space

By Camille Santiago Published Jul 09, 2024 4:27 pm

BINI member Aiah took to social media to further clarify her recent statement regarding fan interactions.

On X, the artist clarified that she enjoys fulfilling fan requests, but there are specific situations where personal space is necessary.

"I saw how a lot of people are distressed with the statement I posted. Again, I never had any issues with taking photos and meeting with people, but it's these kinds of situations and other personal times that I think not only I need it, but anyone else does too."

"I’m sorry if asking for a little privacy feels like too much now or that I should just suck it up and deal with it but when your friends are sent to the ER, I don’t think you’ll still have enough light to smile and think that everything is okay," she explained.

Aiah also shared a friend's tweet saying that the artist was "disrespected inappropriately" and detailed several instances of "blatant unprofessional behavior," including one when a nurse requested a photo in the hospital.

Last Sunday, July 7, Aiah released her statement regarding an uncomfortable encounter with a man, later identified as AJ Fernan, at a bar in Cebu.

"I also want to take this opportunity to speak up about my recent trip to Cebu, where I went home in the hopes of de-stressing, relaxing, and enjoying my time with family and friends. I got to bond with them, and I was extremely happy to do so," Arceta said.

"However, there were still times when other people would not understand the need for privacy and personal time. Some would directly run up to me, grab a photo (even while I was eating), post it in real-time, use my face and post it on pages or places for the sake of clout and publicity without my consent, and worse, some would even include the real-time location, which I don't think is safe," she added, clarifying that she enjoys taking photos with people.

She hopes that people would "see and respect us as human beings."

"We don't always get to go out lately because we have been busy with work, and the least we can ask for is for others to respect our personal time and our humanity," she said.

BINI's manager Laurenti Dyogi and Star Magic later released their statements and called for respect for the nation's girl group.