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Pammy Olivares-Vital: Homebuilder and homemaker, leading Ovialand with heart

By PAMELA IMPERIAL Published Jun 29, 2024 8:00 am

When we think about home, what comes to mind? Comfort, security, and a sense of belonging. For Pammy Olivares-Vital, President and CEO of Ovialand, these values are not just personal but integral to her professional life. As Ovialand celebrates its 10th Anniversary, Pammy’s unique blend of homemaking skills and business acumen stands out as a testament to her leadership and vision.

Her perspective on homemaking transcends beyond her family; it influences the very core of Ovialand’s mission. Her commitment to family priorities echoes in the design and structure of the homes they build. Ovialand’s homes are more than structures; they are sanctuaries that nurture the growth and development of young families. “My work, it’s business, but at the end of the day, the essence of what we do - it’s really for the family. 98% of our homebuyers are young families, so that’s why homes are designed to be centralized within communities; it’s all geared towards the safety of children,” she explains.

A mother of four, she reflects on the importance of family in her business. Under her leadership, Ovialand has prioritized building homes that provide security and comfort, reflecting her belief that these elements are essential for family growth and stability. “This is a central tenet in the work that we do, knowing that people go home at the end of every day, to the house that they purchased from us. So we want to reflect that because I know that it is so pivotal to the growth of children - how they will become good people one day, depends on the security that their home gives.”

A business built on values

Pammy’s high regard for values as a homemaker complements her role as a business leader, providing a unique perspective that resonates with her team and the families they serve. “I always get asked about being a woman in real estate; I think it’s a perfect combination. Although I rely heavily on my husband to share the work with me at home, it’s the moms who give the special touch at home. You know, you have to make it more welcoming. We make sure that the food is delicious and nutritious. I think it’s a perfect complement - the personal values that are so dear to me blend with the work that I do,” she shares.

Pammy emphasizes accountability, connection, and shared goals, fostering a sense of purpose and community within Ovialand. “ In our office we don’t have a conference room what we have is a classroom. We see that every employee is a leader because leadership starts with leading the self. Accountability is crucial. We work as a team while we treat each other like family, and that means being responsible and supportive of one another. We share common goals, and that unity drives us forward.”

Building and maintaining communities

At Ovialand, homebuyers are educated on financial management and legal obligations through orientation before making a purchase. She believes in making logical decisions when buying a home, emphasizing the importance of community and good neighborly relationships. “We try to help equip them with the security and courage that they need to live in this ever-changing and overwhelming world,” she notes.

Drawing from her own experiences and worries as a mother, she discusses the importance of community and school for homeowners. “Good neighbors and support systems are crucial for a harmonious and supportive community. It’s not just about the physical homes; it’s about nurturing relationships and fostering a sense of belonging among residents.”

She also recalls the time when she was worried about her children’s school and how the community played a vital role. “When my kids were younger, I was always concerned about the environment they were growing up in. Having a supportive community made all the difference. It’s that sense of community that we aim to build for our homeowners.” 

Celebrating Ovialand’s 10th anniversary

As Ovialand celebrates its 10th year, the company looks back on a decade of providing the Premier Family Living experience to nearly 3,000 families. Their commitment to building quality homes and nurturing communities is evident in their initiatives to give back. These activities include supporting the education of 10 scholars who are children of construction workers, donating 10 brand-new classrooms to a local school, and planting 10,000 trees across South Luzon and Central Luzon.

“We’ve served almost 3000 families in the past 10 years. I’m very proud of my team, but we still have much more to look forward to. I’m not one to look back, but to look forward. I hope that in the next 10 years, we will grow even more, not just in terms of numbers, but in terms of the people and the families that we serve.

A few months ago, I attended this seminar, and one of the speakers said that every business should know the one number that matters the most. You can all be in the same industry, but for every company, that number will be different. For other real estate companies, it can be the landbank number; it can be the bottom line. But for us, when he said that, it was so clear to me that the number that matters the most to Ovialand is the number of families that are moving into their brand-new homes. It’s not the reservation amount. It’s not how many bought a house in a month. For me, what matters most, is when you turn over the house to customers, to families.

That’s why in Ovialand, we have HousEasy—a program that makes moving into your brand new home in three to six months. We want to make owning a brand-new home as easy as buying a brand-new car.

We want to make renting to homeownership a seamless transition. Because the effect that it will have on the homebuyer, ideally, is going to be life-changing.”

Leading the next 10 years

Pammy Olivarez-Vital’s leadership has been instrumental in Ovialand’s success. Her unique blend of homemaking values and business acumen continues to drive the company forward, shaping the future of affordable housing in the Philippines. “The past 10 years have been truly fruitful for Ovialand in fulfilling its promise of providing the Premier Family Living experience. With this in mind, we celebrate our 10th anniversary full of optimism of what we can achieve in the next 10 years—and even the years beyond them,” she declares.

Pammy’s journey is a testament to the power of blending personal values with professional goals. Her story is an inspiration, showcasing how leadership, grounded in family and community, can create lasting impact and drive meaningful change. She believes that the success of Ovialand is not just measured by the number of homes built, but by the lives touched and the communities strengthened.

“So for the next 10 years, we’re looking forward to improving, to constantly be being our own critic, finding ways on where we can keep on evolving, taking a look at the metrics, taking a look at home buyer satisfaction, and evolving with the market with what matters to them the most.”


Editor's note: BrandedUp is designed to provide you with insightful, inspiring, and educational content created by The Philippine STAR in collaboration with brands like Ovialand Inc.