Is this year the beginning of a new Age of Renaissance?
A magnificent astronomical event happened last Dec. 21 to 22, 2020 but the significance of it is not limited to the grand sky show that the world witnessed: the conjunction of the superior planets Jupiter and Saturn in the air sign Aquarius.
That moment of planetary union serves to herald the beginning of a great era in the history of mankind. It marks the start of a new renaissance period, says Filipino astrologer Resti Santiago during a December webinar that he organized and hosted about the huge celestial event of 2020.
The Renaissance period marked the shift from the Middle Ages to the modern era. Great changes and innovations happened during this time in philosophy, politics, arts and culture, the sciences, mathematics, architecture, literature, and so on.
The artists during that time were the drivers of the Renaissance period, perhaps best exemplified by Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who inspired the term “Renaissance man.” Perhaps it is safe to say that this period brought out the best in man.
Parallel with the changes that happened during the Renaissance period, this new era in our history will be characterized by great leaps in technology, science, economics and finance, art, politics.
A conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter happens every 20 years, but every 200 years the element of the sign under which the conjunction happens shifts. This means that the element of the next 20 to 200 years will be air. The energy now shifts from earth to air as the previous 20-year period was associated with Taurus, and the element of the last 200 years was earth.
Santiago says that the earth energy is grounded, tangible, physical, stable, and firm; while the air energy is more fluid, free, dynamic, shifting, and active. “We will be witnessing a change in focus from the material to intellectual, which means ideas and concepts will be more important this time around,” he said. “Mindsets will be more dynamic and flexible than static, more concerned about freedom and movement than control, more focused on experiences rather than consumerism or commercialism.”

He added that the development of computers and networks, as opposed to structures and buildings, will be prioritized to facilitate the flow of ideas. (The sign of Aquarius rules the internet and technology.) There will be a move from rural-urban physical spaces to cyberspace, which has become a universal experience in this age of Zoom conferences and webinars.
But mind you, it is not happening only because of the pandemic; COVID-19 simply accelerated the trend and pushed the world faster towards this inevitable direction.
Mindsets will be more dynamic and flexible than static, more concerned about freedom and movement than control, more focused on experiences rather than consumerism or commercialism.
Parallel with the changes that happened during the Renaissance period, this new era in our history will be characterized by great leaps in technology, science, economics and finance, art, politics, and every other conceivable area of life. Artificial Intelligence, the blockchain technology, globalization, and the internet will initiate significant changes in the world, says Santiago, affecting the lives of every man and woman. His advice: "We need to observe closely and adapt to the changes because if we are able to get our act together, then we can maximize the potential of this powerful period."
Pay attention to what we learn this year, 2021, as it will be useful in the coming years. While the first three years of the period, at the very least, will be a crucial phase characterized by birthing pains and possibly danger, there will be so much to learn and absorb from the energy of the times.
The lessons we learn are meant to be shared so we can all grow together and prepare ourselves—our personal and public lives, and even our careers and businesses—for the dawning era.