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From happy cows to holistic nutrition, here’s why organic European dairy is naturally good for all

By EU Organic Dairy PH Published Sep 06, 2024 4:15 pm

European cuisine is highly regarded around the world, from Danish pastries and stews to Italian pasta and pizza to Spanish paella and churros. But did you know that Europe is also known for adopting some of the highest standards in organic dairy production? Like organic food in general, organic dairy represents a commitment to ideals that go beyond green labels or even farming techniques. It means that the milk in your coffee, the cheese in your sandwich, and your child’s favorite ice cream are produced with a deep respect for human health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability by following stringent organic standards.

Let's explore what makes organic European dairy truly special and naturally good, and how you can easily spot it on your next grocery run.

Naturally good for you and your loved ones

Dairy is a naturally rich source of essential vitamins and nutrients, such as calcium and protein, which are necessary for children’s normal growth and bone development. Organic dairy offers these benefits without the use of genetically modified organisms, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, or unnecessary antibiotics, ensuring that what you consume is not only nutritious but also pure and wholesome.

Beyond personal health, organic dairy plays a crucial role in sustainable nutrition. By adhering to practices that promote animal welfare and preserve natural conditions, organic dairy helps provide a good source of nutrition that is actually sustainable for years to come, making organic dairy a smart choice for you and the planet.

Naturally good for the planet

Modern organic dairy production is committed to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This dedication goes beyond mere compliance, embodying a broader ambition to create a more sustainable world by focusing on ensuring food security and eliminating hunger, promoting good health and well-being, and significantly reducing climate impacts.

To achieve these goals, organic farms in Europe continually improve their processes and invest in technology to ensure their practices are both sustainable and forward-thinking. Denmark, one of the leading food nations in the world, exemplifies this commitment by being the first country to develop regulations for a more sustainable approach to farming, going beyond EU standards with their own additional stringent rules. As part of those rules, government inspectors oversee organic produce from farm to fork, providing a guarantee of compliance to consumers. In addition, organic farmers must undergo up to five years of training to become experts in organic practices. Danish organic dairies also use technology to monitor greenhouse gas emissions and climate impact from their operations and implement more sustainable processes.

Naturally good for animals 

It’s a basic principle of organic dairy farming that happy cows produce high-quality, nutritious milk. To achieve this, organic dairies ensure that their animals live in conditions that allow them to thrive naturally. Their approach aligns with the "Five Freedoms" of animal welfare: freedom from hunger and thirst; freedom from discomfort; freedom from pain, injury, and disease; freedom to express normal behavior; and freedom from fear and distress.

Organic farms in Europe demonstrate their commitment to these principles by providing animals with ample access to grasslands, organic feed, and comfortable living conditions that promote their natural behavior. It's also important that personnel responsible for taking care of the animals in organic dairies have the necessary knowledge and skills to promote and protect animal welfare.

How to find authentic organic dairy from Europe

The next time you stop by the dairy aisle, look for products with the green EU Organic Flag. This symbol indicates that the product has been certified by an authorized control body to have met the EU's high organic standards throughout its production, processing, storage, and transportation. With this logo, you can be confident that you're buying an authentic organic dairy product from Europe!

But remember, what makes a product truly organic goes beyond just the label. It starts on the farm, with the sounds of happy cows, the dedication of caring farmers, and the implementation of sustainable practices guided by a strong commitment to both nutrition and the environment.

Indulge in the natural goodness of organic European dairy. Visit to learn more.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Editor’s Note: This article was provided by EU Organic Dairy PH.