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Fancy a museum date with the gals? Women get free entrance to Intramuros sites on March 8

Published Mar 03, 2024 5:51 pm

The month of March has begun and so have celebrations of Women's Month! As part of the celebration, women and girls get free entrance to Intramuros sites on March 8.

On International Women's Day, women will have free access to locations such as Fort Santiago, Casa Manila Museum, Baluerte de San Diego, and Museo de Intramuros.

In addition to this, the Intramuros Administration, together with the Philippine Commission on Women, will hold other activities throughout the month.

This includes a mini-weaving workshop, led by fashion designer Lira Cardona, which will give participants a hands-on experience using mini looms and learning the basics of weaving and textiles. 

Those who wish to join the workshop, running on March 16 and 17, can sign up online and pay a fee of P999 per participant.

There will also be cultural shows at Fort Santiago on March 3, 10, 17, and 24 at 4 p.m. and a cleaning drive every Sunday at 8 a.m. at Plaza Roma.

Built in 1571 by Spaniards, Fort Santiago is one of the oldest forts in Manila and one of the most important historical sites in the city. Here was where Philippine national hero Jose Rizal was imprisoned before he was executed.

On the other hand, the Casa Manila, or "Manila House," is a living museum giving Filipinos a glimpse of the lifestyles of the rich during the Spanish occupation.

Another historical site in Intramuros, Baluerte de San Diego is another fort built in Manila that has since been damaged by earthquakes and wars.

And lastly, the Museo de Intramuros houses religious artifacts, colonial paintings, and other ecclesiastical art.

Meanwhile, the National Museum of the Philippines will dedicate a special lane for women from different walks of life each week of the month.

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