Want to make your crush fall in love with you? This viral Tiktok hack can show you how
What if your eyes are the only way to make your crush notice you?
Sophie Rose Lloyd is going viral on Tiktok for her “psychology love eye trick” that will supposedly make anyone fall in love. However, Lloyd said that it “might not work on strangers.”
In a follow-up video, Lloyd demonstrated the proper eye movements to pull it off. She added that you need to be in a one-on-one conversation with your romantic target.
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According to Lloyd, you must look at the person’s left eye, mouth, and right eye. She also claimed that it worked on “several people.”
“I can guarantee that if done with the right person at the right time, they will literally be like ‘what,’” Lloyd added.
Currently, Lloyd’s “eye trick” has over 121,000 likes on Tiktok.
Article photos from @sophieroselloyd on Tiktok