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From east and west for insurance excellence to Filipinos

Published Jun 10, 2024 9:00 am

It is a year of celebration and milestones for EastWest Ageas’ two parent companies. Commemorating its 200 years of insurance service excellence is Ageas. The Belgium-based organization has grown to 13 countries in Europe and Asia, serving over 47 million customers. It is this same excellence honed by experience and data-driven insights that EastWest Ageas promises to leverage in the local insurance industry.

And hand-in-hand with an international partner is EastWest Ageas’ local banking partner, EastWest Bank. The award-winning bank turns 30 this 2024 with over 460 stores nationwide. Its customer-centric practices and transformation have earned it accolades such as Best Priority Banking Experience and the Most Innovative Smart Banking Services.

“We are guided and inspired by Ageas’ and EastWest Bank’s milestone. The strength and longevity in the market—decades of astute operations and consistently providing excellent financial solutions - is what we aspire for as we continue to help Filipinos build their better tomorrow”, shares President and CEO Sjoerd Smeets.

Growing for today

As EastWest Ageas joins in the celebration of their parent companies, it reaffirms its commitment to grow faster, bigger, and better for its customers, employees, and partners. As an insurance provider, its purpose is to help Filipinos secure their future by offering solutions that fit their needs and answers their concerns. But more than that, EastWest Ageas is committed to help the broader public deepen their understanding on the importance of getting insured.

In a country with less than 2% insurance penetration, EastWest Ageas is eager to contribute to addressing this industry-wide challenge. Key to these efforts is EastWest Ageas’ recent moves to expand their distribution channels, expand their product suite, and make insurance knowledge more accessible to the masses on their digital platforms using bite-size and informative content.

Glimpse into the future

EastWest Ageas is committed to expanding its reach to help more Filipinos achieve the desired future. Driven by this clear purpose, the insurance provider has transformed into not just one of the fast-growing companies in the industry, but also one of the most people-centric. Their role is simply not to sell but to uplift the lives of their customers, supporting the community, and the country as a whole, one policy at a time.

Essential to this is the very partnership that set EastWest Ageas into a reality. And the union between Ageas and EastWest Bank is here to stay.
“Our partnership with Ageas is a long-term commitment,” explains EastWest Bank CEO Jerry Ngo, “We are one in our vision that EastWest Ageas will be the partner for Filipinos looking to build their better tomorrow.”

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Editor’s Note: This article was provided by EastWest Ageas Insurance.