Here’s where you can get books for as low as P100 per kilo until Nov. 17
We know where you can treat yourself this payday, book lovers!
BookSpine has an ongoing sale that lets you get books by the kilo for as low as P100—and it will run until the weekend.
You can choose from a wide variety of genres, including romance, thriller/suspense, business, fashion, literature, self-help, fantasy, sports, lifestyle, among many others.
Aside from enjoying P100 per kilo on budget books, you can also score regular books for P200 per kilo as well as P300 per kilo on children’s books.
You can likewise get a 10% discount on the book store’s bestsellers.
The warehouse sale will be available until Nov. 17 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily at 12-A Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.
BookSpine is also accepting online orders via TikTok, Shopee, and Messenger, though the books will be randomly selected from your chosen genre.