It's also time to stop using the 'time is a social construct' excuse
It’s never too late to stop being late
We may or may not have a hunch on why you’re here, even if you’re late. What, quarantine can’t stop you from being tardy for work or school?
There are scores of excuses for missing the bus these days, but we’re not buying them. In fact, we’ve compiled four time management techniques to help you with your… bad habit. Thank us later!
Figure out your problem

Before anything else, crack the reason behind your tardiness and find a way to address it. Was it because you’re unmotivated? Did you get to sleep late last night? Were you not feeling well? Regardless of any of these reasons, try not to lose track of time as that’s commonly why people fail to be punctual.
Always wear a watch

It’s always good to have a clock near you, especially when you’re working or studying. But you know what’s better? Wearing a wristwatch. Your hands are usually on your keyboard and all you need to do is look at your wrist to reconnect with your sense of time. This will also help you keep track of your daily tasks easily.
Set an alarm

Cliché? Nah, not really. Don’t set an alarm just for the time when you should wake up. Do it for every task you need to do daily — and we mean every single task. Including when to take a break.

Ask yourself: “How much time do I need to finish this? What should I do next? What time and how long should I take a break?” Allot time for each and set an alarm to remind you of which task you’re supposed to do next.
Resist the urge to snooze

You think you’re smart not to wake up early because you know your alarm will snooze every 15 or 30 minutes anyway. You know you’ll get another reminder, so you think sleeping a few extra minutes wouldn’t hurt. To be fair, it really wouldn’t — except if it becomes an unhealthy habit. Before you know it, you’ve already hit the snooze button five times and now, surprise, you’re really, really late.

Now we challenge you to turn off the goddamn snooze and get out of bed the first time you hear your alarm. Old habits die hard, but give breaking it a try.
For more timely self-improvement tips, visit SM Shopmag.
Editor’s Note: This article was provided by SM Shopmag.