Intramuros After Dark: Night Walking Tours and Beyond

You might think a walking tour at night through the streets of Intramuros would be all about ghost-hunting. After all, it was originally built with dungeons likely meant for the Spanish Inquisition soon after Manila was founded in 1571. Centuries later, the same ancient walls witnessed darker times. The dungeons were used by the Japanese for torture and the city became the ground zero of the Battle of Manila in World War II. Suffice to say, the history within this ancient walled city is begging to be told.
The night walking tours in Intramuros, however, aren’t just about historical bloodshed and angry, roaming spirits. These tours will tell you about the stories you can’t find in any book or website. There will be trivia, and it will not be scary. Rather, while walking through the hushed streets of Intramuros during the tour, you may begin to see the city of Manila in a different light. Often, the tours continue beyond Intramuros, onto Jones Bridge, and onto the equally fascinating street of Escolta. Join this tour with an open mind. Leave your expectations at home. Wear comfortable footwear. And if you see a figure that’s not exactly the living kind, simply nod and walk on. They might just be waiting to hear about their own history.
Intramuros After Dark: Night Walking Tours and Beyond happens every Saturday and Sunday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Private tours can be arranged on Fridays or Mondays. The meeting place is at Cafe Mercadillo, Fort Santiago, Intramuros, Manila. You may also email [email protected] or call 0920 879 0695.
Price: P850